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Rewell Society

Supporting our communities: Productive projects that bring hope

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Supporting people and causes we care about

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Recycling Project
Northern Ghor , Mansheieh & Shaikh Hussein
Raised so far in 2 years
Funding Goal:

How Do I Donate?

How Do I donate
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Our charity is currently engaged in a number of projects aimed at alleviating poverty one family at a time. Pick a cause to support it.
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Scope of Charity Works

Since 2019, Rewell Society has set up honey producing beehives for underprivileged Jordanian families in the Northern Jordan Valley region. This project has helped families develop skills and generate needed ...
We’ve secured financing from the EU for a 20-month long project that supported civil organizations in the Jordan Valley. The project’s team worked toward selecting women leaders who can be ...
Farming can make an excellent source of income for poor families even at small scales. Over the last few years, Rewell Society has donated grapevines, citrus and olive trees, small ...
Most of us take computers for granted, but many underprivileged students in Jordan do not have access to computers and the Internet. As a result their academic performance is negatively ...
More than 520 families in 3 Governorates received flour as donations from Rewell Society. The teams at EasterNets organized and pooled in their contributions and successfully rallied friends to donate ...